Therefore, true haste is an absolute necessity. If you don't act quickly, though, more blood will seep through and your efforts all will have come to naught.
With those in reserve, you then have to clear away gunk so that you can place the fresh skin on the areas that most need it. This means injecting each portion with a serum, then using your scalpel to cut bits loose. To fix him up, you'll have to graft skin from his upper right torso. A burn victim comes into your care and the left side of his chest is in horrible shape. One early example comes at the end of the second episode. For such individuals, there may be times when the game feels nearly impossible. It's fantastic if you can manage it, but let's face it: not all of us have friends, let alone talented ones. As the timer ticks down and you combine your skills, you'll be sharing an experience unique to Trauma Center. With two doctors available for each stage, you can partner up with a skilled buddy to zap viruses and set bones. Perhaps that's true, and in that case you should look forward to a real treat. That's true for a number of reasons, but mostly it's the case because someone responsible for New Blood's design seems to think that you have a lot of friends who are every bit as capable at games as you are. The difference, of course, is that it's a lot easier to keep turning pages than it is to successfully complete the brutal surgeries that are the building blocks for this game. If you've ever spent half the night with a book because each chapter ended with a cliffhanger and you just had to read 'a few more pages,' you understand the dynamic that's at play here. In this way, Trauma Center: New Blood resembles a fine novel. The intrigue is sufficient to keep you invested in every new twist, and this time around the narrative isn't focused almost exclusively on absurd developments that feel like Trekkie bait. Naturally, the interesting plot is just there to give you a reason to work through one fantastic surgery after another, but it's surprisingly successful. Before long, all hell breaks loose and the team is in the middle of political intrigue and a secret that threatens to put the entire world in danger. There, the trio joins a prestigious institute and must prove its competence all over again. Suddenly, the hospital is closing and they're returning to California with an optimistic young nurse they met on the way. Alas, their idealistic life is not to last. Along for the ride is Valerie Blaylock, a promising young doctor who hangs around because she hopes to learn the secret of her peer's “healing touch” technique. In this serene setting, he can comfortably wrestle his personal demons. It's a small community without much happening, but that's what Markus Vaughn wants. As the story opens, two doctors are working at an out-of-the-way hospital in Alaska. The verdict is a lot more complicated than that. That might sound like a recommendation to avoid the title altogether, but it's really not. It's a steady erosion of your sanity because you don't want the game to beat you, because you're better than that and determined to prove it. There's no certain point where the transformation occurs. You head into your living room and plop down on the couch for a few minutes of gaming, then a half-hour later you find yourself jumping up and down on the coffee table, frothing at the mouth and whirling the controller around like a mace. Perhaps you've played one like it before. Trauma Center: New Blood is the sort of game that can make you hate everything. For such individuals, there may be times when the game feels nearly impossible."

"With two doctors available for each stage, you can partner up with a skilled buddy to zap viruses and set bones.