Of course, one wrong move can result in your death, but thankfully as you progress you’re able to upgrade your gear to make it more efficient. Putting together combinations of attacks whilst weaving in and out of incoming ones just feels great, whilst the fact that enemies often attack in bunches leaves a lot of encounters feeling action-packed and hectic. The combat of Hyper Light Drifter is incredibly satisfying throughout, with the controls slick and the constantly changing array of enemies keeping you well on your toes. There are two extra weapons included in this version of the game too, and they both add something a little different to combat. There are clever little twists applied to combat to keep it interesting to stop players from focusing on one method – you can’t constantly use your gun for example, with the player having to actually slice at enemies with their sword in order to re-fill their ammo. Combat mechanics are simple: you have a sword to slice out at enemies with, a gun to blast at them from afar, and a dash ability to quickly leap out of the way of incoming attacks. Gameplay-wise, there’s a strong focus on exploration, though there are plenty of different enemies to take down too. There are simply a ton of things to discover in the world and they all seem to have a little story woven into them – discovering them all and even making your own perception as to what they represent is one of the best things about the game. Most of the narrative is conveyed through imagery too, which adds to the mystery of the alluring tale yet somehow feels like the most fitting way to tell it. You’re given the freedom to explore the large world as you please, so heading into every nook and cranny is essential if you want to learn more about what is going on. You see, Hyper Light Drifter isn’t the kind of game that goes into great depth about its world and events directly, but expects the player to uncover all of these details themselves. Or at least that’s what I made of it initially. With a basic idea given to you as to what to do, you’re tasked with discovering more of the world and perhaps finding a way to cure yourself. Hyper Light Drifter puts you into a beautiful yet desolate world, with the player taking on the role of the Drifter – a hero who finds themselves suffering from a strange ailment. Still, it won’t hurt to talk about the things I liked the most, right? It’s actually one of those games that I’m almost a little resentful to review with the best approach being to say ‘it’s amazing, go buy it’ and letting the player discover everything by themselves. Well, now it’s made its way to the Nintendo Switch and I’ve finally got to play the stunning finely-crafted adventure it turns out that… well… I love it. One of the reasons was that I was waiting for the PlayStation Vita version, but when that never came to be it just fell under the radar for me a bit. Hyper Light Drifter is one of those games that I’d been itching to play since its release, but never got round to.