They make for suitable dragoon, monks, samurai, bards, ninja, machinist, dancers, white mages, scholars, or astrologians. Males were released during A Realm Reborn update. However, when the game first released, only female versions were available.

You can play as both a male and female version of this race. They also closely resemble a human species but have a distinct pair of cat ears on the top of their head, similar to Viera’s rabbit ears. The Miqo’te are another popular species in Final Fantasy XIV. You can play them as a dragoon, monk, samurai, paladin, warrior, dark knight, gunbreaker, black mage, summoner, red mage, or blue mage. They came with various unique appearance changes and were one of the starting races you could pick from when the game launched. The Hyur are essentially the humans of the Final Fantasy world, and they’re among some of the more common and most widely-picked races in Final Fantasy XIV.

They work extremely well as bards, ninja, machinists, dancers, black mages, summoners, red mages, blue mages, white mages, scholars, or astrologians. Therefore, until the Endwalker expansion releases, you can only play as the female version. When they were first shown, there were no male models, and it was believed a male model would release alongside the female, but that was not the case. They were initially introduced to Final Fantasy XIV in 2019 for the Shadowbringers update. The Viera have large rabbit-like ears on the top of their head, but they primarily resemble humans in their appearance. The Viera are among one of the more popular races. (Do note that there are no meaningful long-term bonuses among the races, so this list is subjective and meant to help you decide which to play if you’re undecided.) Viera These are all of eight of the races you can play in Final Fantasy XIV Online, ranked. However, those restrictions are being lifted, and in the Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker expansion, male Viera will be available to all players. You can pick from any of these races when you start your game, but some of them do have gender restrictions, such as the Viera only having female options and the Hrothgar having male options. There are eight races for you to pick from before you begin your journey in Final Fantasy XIV Online.